A remote Product Manager’s toolbox

In this video – co-created with #PoDojo – I’m showing (yes showing, not only talking about) the tools that have supported me in my product work in a remote setup.

Here’s the list of the tools:

General collaboration

  • G-Suite or Office 365 – Basic tooling (email, docs, spreadsheets, presentations etc.)
  • slack.com or MS Teams – communication
  • zoom.us or hangouts or whereby- communication
  • webex or gotomeeting – video conferencing for >100 people on paid plans
  • notion.so or confluence (evernote) – documentation
  • Airtable – smart spreadsheet
  • Zapier – tool automation

Daily Work

  • Jira, Trello, Asana – project management
  • Standuply – slack app for written standups
  • https://senditlater.app/ – sends message at 9am the next day
  • Workast (ex. To-do bot) – slack app for managing to-do lists
  • giphy app
  • BirthdayBot
  • Toby or OneTab, FreshStart – tabs & session management for tab-monster
  • Mindmeister.com – mindmapping

Meetings & Time zones

Webinar extras

  • sli.do – realt time Q&A & polling
  • sli.do is experimenting with a BETA that you need to ask for access: Zoom call within sli.do so that you can Q&A & poll during a Zoom call
  • livestorm – webinar type video calls, live streaming, video recording — disclaimer: haven’t tried as organizer, only as participant, but that works incredibly well
  • OBS https://obsproject.com/ – e.g. for user testing oder webinars as well (sorry, not mentioned in the video)
  • loom vs. zoom – video recording e.g. for walkthroughs


  • Miro or Mural
  • funretro.io or parabol.co (or Miro or Mural) – Retrospectives
  • Check out https://www.innovationgames.com/ for getting ideas on retrospectives, planning and more

Heard of but haven’t tried it yet at this point:

  • tryshift.com – centralizing accounts
  • knowyourteam.com – 1-1s & check-ins
  • donut app – random meetings with team mates
  • https://www.watercoolertrivia.com/ – quiz to get to know your co-workers
  • yac.com – asynchronous audio messaging

Update 05.02.2021: The Great Suspender got removed from the Chrome Web Store because it got flagged as containing malicious code. Here’s an article that explains details and shows alternatives: https://lifehacker.com/ditch-the-great-suspender-before-it-becomes-a-security-1845989664

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